Friday 30 January 2009


You can do anything if you have enthusiasm,

Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the

Enthusiasm is the spark in your eye, the swing in your gate,

the grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of your will

and energy to execute your ideas….

Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress!

How To Create Enthusiasm.

Friday 12 December 2008

Bettie Page Photographs

Bettie Page was ill after a heart attack and was on life support last week. The 85-year-old had a heart attack Tuesday and was hospitalised Friday in the Los Angeles area.

Bettie Page was a pin-up model in the 1950s. Born to a conservative Nashville family, a Baptist girl from Tennessee. She moved to New York City for a new start, got noticed by an amateur photographer on a local beach, and quickly made other contacts, eventually working primarily for Irving Klaw (Chris Bauer), whose movie stills business is something of a front for racier things.

Bettie Page was notorious in her day. She was a pinup girl and model in the 1950s, a glamour girl promoting sleaze. Bettie was America's favourite pin-up model of the time at a time when there were a lot of pinup models but not very many who were willing to pose nude. Bettie achieved her greatest success as Playboy's January 1955 centrefold. But it was her association with fetish photographer and filmmaker Irving Klaw that would establish the cult icon status she enjoys to this day.

Bettie was known for her distinctive haircut and her girlish but at the same time dominant looks, she was beautiful and one of the sexiest women of all time. She was herself and did not Try to BE sexy. Her style has been copied by glamazons from every decade. Most famously, her trademark "Bettie Page" hairstyle has become an icon in and of itself.

Nice and naughty, shy and daring, simple and exotic, Bettie shone with a freshness never before seen in the modelling industry. Without elaborate props, costumes, or set-dressings, Bettie produced some of the most beautiful shots to ever grace the covers of hundreds of magazines. Nice and naughty, shy and daring, simple and exotic, Bettie shone with a freshness never before seen in the modelling industry. Without elaborate props, costumes, or set-dressings, Bettie produced some of the most beautiful shots to ever grace the covers of hundreds of magazines.

Bettie Page was always a small town girl without a real sense of home except for possibly her relationship with God and her religion. I think that now she would probably be the same way but I also think there is a limit to how much she was ever going to do.

Bettie was drawn to a mixed race environment, and started to attend on a regular basis. She would in time attend three bible colleges including the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Multnomah School of the Bible [[1]] and a short time at a Christian retreat in Boca Raton, Florida known as "Bibletown.”During the 1960s she attempted to become a Christian missionary in Africa but was rejected by the church to which she applied due to her divorce.

Bettie Page was an incredibly sweet and intelligent girl who just took the shots she was doing as a job, an acting job, with costumes and props. At the height of her career she packed in modelling and disappeared from sight. Page remained extremely religious her whole life, always wondering what God would think of her sins.